Frequently asked questions

Application questions

Students with outstanding academic records (3.7 overall KU GPA at minimum), strong records of involvement and leadership at KU, and the intellectual and professional passion to contribute to high-quality honors classes. The Business Honors Program is not looking for resume builders but students with genuine intellectual curiosity and strong interest in leadership and impact in the KU community.

Students MUST apply for the Business Honors Program to be admitted. The admission process is quite competitive, and not all students who meet minimum eligibility requirements will be admitted.

Students will be notified of decisions approximately three weeks after the deadline for application.

No.  If you raise your overall KU GPA to at least 3.7 in a future semester, however, you are welcome to apply at that time.

The Business Honors Program believes that participation in activities outside of the classroom enhances and enriches the undergraduate experience, helping students connect their education to the larger world. Therefore, Business Honors Program students must demonstrate that they have participated in three experiential learning activities during their undergraduate education. Learn more about program requirements.

About the program

There is no additional cost. Your regular tuition and fees cover the added expenses of the Business Honors Program.

Absolutely. The School of Business encourages all qualified students to participate in the University Honors Program. Check with your University Honors advisor to find out which Business Honors courses also count for University Honors. Several Business Honors Program students are also members of Finance Scholars. There are a few students each year in BHP, Finance Scholars, and University Honors.

You should see no difference in your program of study, except that you may take “honors” versions of some of the courses.

The Business Honors Program is the same length as other programs.

Honors courses will not necessarily be harder than regular business classes, but they will be different. In Business Honors courses, faculty and students collectively endeavor to master course content beyond the traditional mastery expected in non-honors courses. You will be challenged by others of similar aptitude, and you will be expected to live up to your potential. Business Honors Program students are expected to contribute to the overall success of the class.

For current BHP students

Students may submit a petition by contacting their academic advisor. You will be accommodated based on availability, room size and whether you are in the final semester and need to class to meet BHP requirement.


BHP students should contact the director of the Business Honors Program, Jennifer Harrison, at, about procedures and policies to enhance a regular business school course to become a business honors course. Contacting the BHP director is the required first step in this process.