Business Communication Center
We’re dedicated to your growth as a communicator. We’ve created the Business Communication Center to help each student become clear, concise and thoughtful writers and speakers.
How the center works
The Business Communication Center offers writing and presentation coaching to School of Business students.
Writing coaches
Our writing coaches can help you improve your business school papers before you turn them in. Bring a draft of your paper to your appointment and receive feedback from an expert in business writing.
Presentation coaches
Meeting with a presentation coach is an excellent way to improve your communication skills. When you take advantage of presentation coaching in the BCC, your practice presentation is recorded and immediately reviewed with your coach. You will receive specific feedback during your session on how to enhance your delivery and content, allowing you to give a more polished presentation in class.
What to know
Any student with a written assignment or presentation for a class in the School of Business is welcome to use the center. The coaches in the BCC are only available to review business school assignments. For example, if you are a journalism major taking a marketing class, you are welcome to bring your marketing assignments to the BCC.
The KU Writing Center is a great resource for classes outside the business school. The Writing Center is also an excellent option if the appointments available in the BCC do not fit your schedule.
BUS 305 students: Follow the instructions provided in Canvas to schedule writing coach appointments.
All other students can email bcc@ku.edu to schedule an appointment with a writing or presentation coach.
For writing appointments, bring your assignment draft (a hard copy is preferred), the assignment guidelines, rubric, and any additional materials from your professor.
In a presentation coaching session you will give your entire presentation in front of your coach. Please bring your presentation notes and any visual aids (PowerPoint, handouts) you plan to use.
Your coach is not your professor. The writing and presentation coaches working in the center are experts in the principles of business communication. However, they do not set the specific guidelines for your assignment or grade your work. Please refer to your assignment, rubric, course materials, and professor for specific questions regarding assignment expectations.
Communication coaching is an active process. Your coach will not just “fix” your paper or presentation. Instead, you will work together to identify areas of weakness and discuss how to improve. Come to each coaching session prepared to learn and engage in the process.
Dolph Simons Family Writing Center
1030S Capitol Federal Hall
1654 Naismith Drive
Lawrence, Kansas 66045