Study abroad
Global Business Studies fosters student access to study abroad, international internships and programs dedicated to connecting them to the broader world of business opportunity.
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“I recommend stepping out of your comfort zone to meet people from around the world, and making lifelong connections with students, staff, and fellow travelers. It’s more affordable than you expect and is a key part to enriching your time abroad."
Andrew Ost
Business administration, international business, and French graduate, 2023
Study abroad by the numbers
KU Business students participated in international study, internships or research programs during 2023-24 academic year
of 2023-24 KU Business graduating class participated in study abroad while at KU
Academic focus on international business
The business school offers students the following opportunities to explore the international dimensions of business while developing valuable skills demonstrating competency in international business. The co-major requires a minimum of 21 credit hours in the School of Business.

International students
students (fall 2024)