Previous Colloquia Speakers
Spring 2025
Nicholas Sullivan, University of Mississippi | "Self-Driving Technology and Its Acceptance: Explaining Differences in Reactions of the Heterogeneous Population to Potential Policies"
Konstantin Sokolov, University of Memphis | "X Bots and Earnings Announcements"
Yihong Liu, University of Texas at Dallas | "Recommending Teams in Online Communities"
Jose Pius Nedumkallel, Clemson University | "Impact of Google's Data Safety Label on App Adoption"
Previous Colloquia Speakers
Kinshuk Jerath, Columbia University | "Retail Media and Its Impact on the Retail Ecosystem"
John Campbell, University of Georgia | "Does Complex Regulation Create Insider Trading Opportunities?"
Swaminathan Kalpathy, Texas Christian University | "Discretionary Adjustments in Relative Performance Awards"
Rabih Moussawi, Villanova University | "The Role of Taxes in the Rise of ETFs"
Hisan Yang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University | "Strategic Responses to Hierarchically Nested Threshold Incentives in Organizations"
Xiwen Zhao, University of Kentucky | "Exogenous Shocks and Opportunities for Mobilization: The Case of Market Reactions to Firm LGBTQ Inclusion Following the Orlando Nightclub Shooting and the Election of Trump"
Lindsey Yonish, Texas A&M | "A Relationship-Based Perspective of Stakeholder Responses to Trade-Offs"
Xuan Bi, University of Minnesota | "Distribution-Invariant Differential Privacy"
Felix Feng, University of Washington | "The Incentives of SPAC Sponsors"
Brandon Julio, University of Oregon | "Endogenous Policy Uncertainty"
Carina Cuculiza, Oklahoma State University | "Temperature Sensitivity, Mispricing, and Predictable Returns"
Elena Asparouhova, University of Utah | "The Role of Financial Markets in Mitigating Credit Market Bubbles"
Hongjun Yan, DePaul University | "A Four-Trillion-Dollar Question: Why Trade ETFs Instead of Their Underlying Stocks?"
Anant Mishra, University of Minnesota | "Health Insurance and Labor Productivity: Evidence from US Manufacturing"
Peggy Liu, University of Pittsburgh | "It Takes One to Buy but Two to Say Goodbye: Asymmetrical Preference for Others' Involvement Across The Customer Decision Journey"
Judy Rady, Virginia Tech | "The Expectations Game: The Contingent Value of Hype as a Rhetorical Strategy in Early-stage Resource Mobilization Processes among AI Startups"
Joel Andrus, University of Missouri "Farmers Fueling The Future: How Logic Flexibility Influences Support of Renewable Energy Production"
Steven Shepherd, Oklahoma State University | "Rejecting Vs. Endorsing Social Hierarchy Predicts Empathic Concern for Other Consumers and Taking Scarce Goods"
Kausik Gala, Iowa State University | "The Influence of Key Aspects of Digital Platforms on The Distribution of Entrepreneurial Performance"
Mary Kate Dodgson, Lehigh University | "Bridging the Gap in the Aftermath of an Audit Quality Event: Insights from Audit Engagement Team Leaders and Root Cause Analysis Leaders"
Ramzi Fathallah, University of Ottawa | "The Paradox of Resilience: How Entrepreneurs Endure in Precarious Conditions through Temporal Coping"
Gerard Tellis, University of Southern California | "Trillicorns and U.S.'s Startup Culture Will Help America Outlive the Average Age of Empires"
Omrane Guedhami, University of South Carolina | "Do as I Say, Not as I Do: Tax Avoidance by State-Owned Firms"
Stephanie Noble, University of Tennessee | "My Avatar is Me: Digital Avatar Ownership and Information Disclosure in Virtual Retail Environments"
Detelina Marinova, University of Missouri | "Live Chat Agent Effectiveness in B2C Sales Negotiations"
Tom Kubick, University of Nebraska-Lincoln | "The Influence of Common Institutional Ownership on Corporate Tax Planning"
Olivia Sheng, Arizona State University | "Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift Prediction: Leveraging Post-event Investor Responses with Multi-task Learning"
Kristine Hankins, University of Kentucky | "Does Trade Policy Affect Consumer Credit? The Role of Captive Finance"
Mark Peecher, University of Illinois, "Action-Oriented Skepticism: Its Benefits on Auditor Responsiveness to the Risk of Material Misstatement and Its Roots in Culture Controls"
Linda Myers, University of Tennessee "To Combine or Not to Combine? Integrated Audit Reporting and Internal Control Material Weakness Opinions"
Jennifer Kish-Gephart, University of Massachusetts | "Where the Past Meets the Present: Upward Mobility and CEO's Investment in CSR"
Antino Kim, Indiana University | "Human Meets Digital Human: The Moving Frontier of Conversational AI"
Clay Voorhees, University of Alabama | "The Effects of Black Friday Timing on Retailer Performance and Analysts' Forecasts"
Edith Hotchkiss, Boston College | "Can Small Businesses Survive Chapter 11?"
Nicole Boyson, Northeastern University | "Getting the Vote: Do School Bond Issuances and Outcomes Depend on Ballot Disclosures?"
Sandeep Rath, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | "Multilocation, Dynamic Staff Planning for Healthcare System: Methodology and Application"
Ram Mudambi, Temple University | "Migrants' Human Capital and Social Capital: Implications for Immigration Policy"
Reena Aggarwal, Georgetown University | "Why Do Investors Vote Against Corporate Directors?"
Erin Towery, University of Georgia | "The Effect of Unaudited Tax Positions on Corporate Tax Aggressiveness: Evidence from Statute of Limitations Lapses"
Tianjun Sun, University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign | "Assessing Personality with a Psychometric Artificial Intelligence Chatbot"
Hannes Mohrschladt, University of Munster | "Swimming Against the Current: Contrarian Retail Trading"
Simi Kedia, Rutgers University | "Does a Market for Credit Protection Increase Employment Risk?"
Atanu Lahiri, University of Texas at Dallas | "Fairness in Algorithmic Targeting: An Economic Analysis"
Andy Van Buskirk, Ohio State University | "Is Transparency Bad For Your (financial) Health? Evidence from Multiemployer Pension Disclosures"
Rohit Valecha, University of Texas at San Antonio | "Design Principles for Information Categorization in Crowdsourced Crisis Mapping Platforms: An Examination of "Requests for Help""
Jeffrey Coles, University of Utah | "Do Personal Taxes Drive Unrelated Mergers and Acquisitions?"
Jonathan Shipman, University of Arkansas | "Financial Reporting Consequences of Exempting Low-Revenue Issuers from the Internal Control Audit Requirement"
Pnina Feldman, Boston University | "The Enigma of Ticket Exchanges (and Other Reselling Markets"
Kristie Rogers, Marquette University | "Virtually Together: How Positive Work Relationships are Facilitated by a Non-Work Platform"
Vyacheslav Fos, Boston College | "Do the Voting Rights of Federal Reserve Bank Presidents Matter?"
Kateryna Holland, University of Missouri | "Presidential Puzzle at the Firm Level"
Peter Haslag, Vanderbilt University | "Directing the Labor Market: The Impact of Shared Board Members on Employee Flows"
Mike Majerczyk, Georgia State University | "Effects of Control System Strength on Subsequent Trust in Inter-Organizational Relationships"
Illona Babenko, Arizona State University | "Corporate Hedging, Contract Rights, and Basis Risk"
Emily Blum, Texas A&M University | "Trying to Get Out From Under Water": Paradox and Power in the Audit Senior Associate Role"
P.K. Kannan, University of Maryland | "Influencer Mix Strategies in Livestream Commerce: Impact on Product Sales"
Pietro Bianchi, Florida International University | "A New Wave of Talent: Big 4 Responses to Partner Qualification Requirements in China"
David Cicero, Auburn University | "Corporate M&As and Labor Market Concentration: Efficiency Gains or Power Grabs?"
Praveen Kopalle, Dartmouth College | "Field Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Pricing on Residential Electricity Conservation"
Nikos Ignatiadis, University of Chicago | "Empirical Bayes Mean Estimation with Nonparametric Errors via Order Statistic Regression on Replicated Data"
Kim Westermann, California Polytechnic State University | "Providing Transparency Over the PCAOB Inspection Process: The Perspective of Former Inspectors"
Matthew Jaremski, Utah State University | "Signals and Stigmas from Banking Interventions: Lessons from the Bank Holiday in 1933"
Justin Murfin, Cornell University | "Contractual Innovation and the Evolution of Boilerplate in Private Debt Agreements"
Ken Bills, Michigan State University | "Are Expanded Audit Reports Informative of Future Goodwill Impairment Beyond Observable Market Signals?"
Paul Ellickson, University of Rochester | "Private Labels and Retailer Profitability: Bilateral Bargaining in the Grocery Channel"
V. Kumar (VK), Brock University | "Managing Internationalization and Profitability in the Movie Industry"
Chris Yenkey, University of South Carolina | "Popular Approval of a Reviled Practice: A Two-Part Field Experiment Testing Public Support for Corruption"
Isaac Smith, Brigham Young University | "Moral Character Development at Work"
Stevie Neuman, University of Missouri | "What Does the Volatility of Unrecognized Tax Benefits Signal about Firms' Tax Positions?"
Samantha Conroy, Colorado State University | "A Work-Based Theory of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Rewards"
Kelly Hewitt, University of Tennessee | "How Firms Can Steer Social Media Conversations Using Elements of Empathetic Engagement"
Seshadri Tirunillai, University of Houston | "High Tech, Not Low Touch: B2B Customers Across Digital and Sales Force Channels"
Kirthi Kalyanam, Santa Clara University | "Advertising to Businesses: An Experimental Investigation of High-Consideration Purchases"
Lauren Cunningham, University of Tennessee | "Eye Off the Ball or Eye in the Sky? Sin Stocks and SEC Filing Reviews"
Pradeep Pendem, University of Oregon | "The Role of Robot-Assisted Surgeries Experience on Surgical Outcome, Learning, and Forgetting in Conventional Minimally Invasive Surgeries"
Beth Blankespoor, University of Washington |"Confused Readers: A Modular Approach for Measuring Business Complexity"
Cassandra Estep, Emory University | "Improving Specialists' Contributions to Audit"
Kelly Shue, Yale University, "Counterproductive Impact Investing: The Impact Elasticity of Brown and Gree Firms"
Tim Seidel, Brigham Young University | "The Influence of Accounting Firm Consulting Revenues on Audit Client Risk Tolerance"
Patricia Moravec, Indiana University | "Cross-Partisan Interaction in Online Discussion Group"
Michael Hasler, University of Texas at Dallas | "Can the Fed Control Inflation? Stock Market Implications"
Pankush Kalgotra, Auburn University | "Traps: Identifying Mortality-related Cliques in Comorbidity Network"
Justin Leiby, University of Illinois | "Does Status Equal Substance? The Effects of Specialist Social Status on Auditor Assessments of Complex Estimates"
Gerry McNamara, Michigan State University | "Seeing the Whole Picture: Board Gender Makeup, CEO Strategic Breadth, and Firm Performance"
Erin Henry, University of Arkansas | "How Prevalent Are High Book Income With Zero Tax Corporations? Evidence From Tax Returns"
Bernd Schmitt, Columbia University | "Robot or Human? Consumer Responses to Humanoid Robots"
Greg Eaton, Oklahoma State University | "Retail Option Traders and the Implied Volatility Surface"
Haitao Mo, Louisiana State University | "Seasonal Momentum in Option Returns"
Hyunseob Kim, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago | "Executive Mobility in the United States, 1920 to 2011"
Purush Papatla, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee | "Do Visible People in Online Product Display Images After Browsing?"
Amy Sheneman, The Ohio State University | "A Perfect Match? An Examination of Big 4 Misaligned Clients"
Ugur Lel, University of Georgia | "Consequences of Environmental Failures to CEOs: Evidence from EPA Enforcements"
Riley Krotz, Texas Tech University | "Hygiene Spillovers at the Frontline: When and How Wellness Benefits FLEs and Employers"
Joe Burke, Indiana University | "To Ask, or Not To Ask: The Effects of Broadly and Narrowly Adopted Peer-Recognition Systems on Help Seeking"
Yufeng Han, University of North Carolina at Charlotte | "Mispricing and Anomalies: An Exogenous Shock to Short"
Russell Jame, University of Kentucky | "Confederate Memorials and the Housing Market"
Nan Zhao, Washington University | "The Impact of Co-branded Credit Card Adoption on Customer Loyalty"
James Reeder, Purdue University | "Digitizing High-Touch Interactions: The Divided Efficacy in Personal Selling"
Prasad Naik, University of California, Davis | "Dynamic Effects of Ad Content on Ad Liking: From Pretesting to Generalization"
Marat Ibragimov, MIT | "Customer Search and Product Returns"
Rob Waiser, London Business School | "Incentives and Burnout: Dynamic Compensation Design With Effort Cost Spillover"
Jangwon Choi, University of Michigan | "Wait For Free: A Consumption-Decelerating Promotion for Serialized Digital Media"
Jie "Jack" He, University of Georgia | "Venture Labor: A Nonfinancial Signal for Start-up Success"
Matthew Serfling, University of Tennessee | "Do Individual Directors Matter? Evidence of Director-Specific Quality"
Shuba Srinivasan, Boston University | "Managing and Mitigating Sociopolitical Firm Risk Events"
Kelsey Wei, University of Texas - Dallas | "Are All ESG Funds Created Equal? Only Some Funds Are Committed"
Youchang Wu, University of Oregon | "Size and Investment Performance: Defined Benefit vs. Defined Contribution Pension Plans"
Srihari Sridhar, Texas A&M University | "Return on Safety Training"
Jaime Schmidt, University of Texas - Austin | "Are Audit Fees Discounted by Successor Auditors?"
Katrijn Gielens, University of North Carolina | "Logging Off": Consumer Disengagement in Online Grocery Shopping"
April Knill, Florida State University | "Guilty by Political Association: The Impact of Political Scandals on Connected FIrms"
Tracy Yue, University of Minnesota | "Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Retention"
Serdar Dinc, Rutgers University | "Strategic Default and Renegotiation: Evidence from Commercial Real Estate Loans"
Jennie Bai, Georgetown University | "Securities Lending and Corporate Financing: Evidence from Bond Issuance"
Tony Cookson, University of Colorado | "Can Social Media Inform Corporate Decisions? Evidence from Merger Withdrawals"
Brad Rava, University of Southern California | "Fairness in Machine Learning"
Safak Yucel, Georgetown University | "Delivery Terms for Voluntary Carbon Offsets"
Tamara Lambert, Lehigh University | "The Effect of Quarterly Management on Auditors' Going Concern Reporting Judgments"
Merih Sevilir, Indiana University | "Going Public And The Internal Organization Of The Firm"
Greg Nini, Drexel University | "Losing Control? The 20-Year Decline in Loan Covenant Violations?
Willie Choi, University of Wisconsin-Madison | "All Show and No Know? The Effects of Outcome Transparency and Learning Path on Employee Ineffective Learning"
Sarah Stein, Virginia Tech | "Who Has The Power? Examining the Power Dynamic Between CFSs and Audit Partners in Goodwill Impairment Decisions"
Shivam Gupta, University of Nebraska - Lincoln | "Three Years, Two Papers, One Course Off: Optimal Non-monetary Reward Policies"
Brent Garza, Texas A&M University | "When Do Independent Estimates Reduce Management's Influence?"
Tinglong Dai, Johns Hopkins University | "Artificial Intelligence on Call: The Physician's Decision to Use (and Not to Use) AI Under Clinical Uncertainty"
Clarice Zhang, University of Toronto | "The Consumption of Serial Media Products and Optimal Release Strategy"
Sherry Du, University of Rochester | "Did You Notice The Hidden Fees? Evidence From Airbnb"
Sajeev Nair, University of Southern California | "Do Online Ratings Accurately Reflect Quality? The Impact of Price and Reviewer Expertise on the Reviewed Quality of Restaurants"
Nathan Marshall, University of Colorado - Boulder | "Are Stakeholders Listening? An Examination of CEO Podcast Appearances"
Gautam Pant, University of Iowa | "Digital Prophylaxis for Firm Resilience: A Study On COVID-19 Disruption"
Shouqiang Wang, University of Texas - Dallas |"Engineering Social Learning: Information Design of Time-Locked Sales Campaigns for Online Platforms"
Alex Platt, University of Kansas School of Law | "Beyond "Market Transparency": Investor Disclosure and Corporate Governance"
John Lynch, University of Colorado | "Financial Knowledge, Financial Behavior, and Financial Well Being: What Can We Learn from Research on Personal Health?"
Anne Albrecht, Texas Christian University | "Corporate Disclosure Controls and Non-GAAP Reporting"
Vikas Mittal, Rice University | "Consumer Based Execution and Strategy"
Scott Cederburg, University of Arizona | "The Long-Horizon Returns of Stocks, and Bills: Evidence from a Board Sample of Developed Markets"
Jaron Wilde, University of Iowa | "Tax Boycotts"
Stephen Rowe, University of Arkansas | "The Power of Doing Nothing: Evidence From Index Fund Ownership"
Dirk Black, University of Nebraska | "Credit Default Swaps and Non-GAAP Earnings Disclosure"
Paul Demere, University of Georgia | "Auditors as a Vector for Diffusing Forecasting Knowledge and Best Practices"
Phil Lamoreaux, Arizona State University | "Private Signals of Misreporting and Executive Dismissal"
Vasso Ioannidou, Lancaster University | "(Why) Do Central Banks Care About Their Profits?"
Tzachi Zach, Ohio State University | "Economic Consequences of Auditor Reputation Loss: Evidence from the Audit Inspection Scandal"
Gaurav Bansal, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay | "Privacy Concerns Revisited: Surveillance and Right-to-Be-Forgotten New Dimensions"
Clara Vega, Federal Reserve Board | "Central Bank Communication Choices: Adverse Selection, Volatility and Liquidity in a Market with Fast and Slow Traders"
Nickolay Gantchev, University of Warwick | "Sustainability of Performance? Ratings and Fund Managers' Incentives"
Weinan Wang, Snap, Inc. | "Continuous Quantile Treatment Effects for Large-Scale Online Controlled Experiments"
Zhe Zhang, HEC Montreal, University of Montreal | "Brand Nicknames and Online Information Authenticity"
Binay Kumar, Georgia State University | "The Effect of Channel Deletion and Channel Contraction on Firm Value and Firm Risk"
Paul Parker, INSEAD | "Impact of Lottery Play Decisions on Consumer and Retailer Earnings"
Jonathan Beck, Boston College | "Putting Words in Their Mouth: Pre-Written Content and Default Effects"
Mohsen Pourmasoudi, University of Houston | "Selling in the Digital Age"
Khimendra Singh, University of North Carolina | "Product Recall and Strategic Interactions between Firm and Regulator: A Discrete Game Model"
Brad Hepfer, Texas A&M University | "Nontax Benefits of Tax Planning: The Signaling Role of the R&D Tax Credit at the IPO"
Brant Christensen, University of Oklahoma | "The Audit Quality Effects of Small Audit Firm Mergers in the United States"
Mike Drake, Brigham Young University | "Earnings Virality"
Emily Griffith, University of Wisconsin | "Client Acceptance of Audit Adjustments Based on AI Evidence"
Sara Toynbee, University of Texas - Austin | "Regulator Continuity and Decision-Making Quality: Evidence from SEC Comment Letters"
Ken Merkley, Indiana University | "Man Versus Machine: A Comparison of Robo-Analyst and Traditional Research Analyst Investment Recommendations"
Nicole Cade, Pittsburgh University | "Investors' Information Avoidance Behavior in Securities-Based Crowdfunding"
Juan Mao, University of Texas - San Antonio | "Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Competing in the Public Company Audit Market: The PCAOB's Inspection and Disclosure Requirements"
Qian Wang, Iowa State University | "Auditor Effect on Merger and Acquisition Outcomes: Evidence from Targets' Auditor-Provided Nonaudit Services"