Carrie Poe

- Business Advisor, KU Small Business Development Center
- KU Small Business Development Center
Contact Info
Lawrence, KS 66044
Personal Links
Biography —
Carrie Poe has lived in Kansas almost all her life in various parts of the state but has settled in Lawrence since coming to KU for her undergraduate degree. She graduated from the KU School of Journalism with an emphasis in business communications in 2000. Poe began work as an administrative assistant in cable television advertising. She desired to increase her role in the business world and completed her MBA through Baker University in 2003.
Poe has worked in several fields, including office administration, healthcare and marketing. Most of her work experience has been in locally owned small businesses, which gave her the opportunity to expand her knowledge in several aspects of business management.
She looks forward to empowering small business owners to take whatever the next steps might be in their journey.