Chang Hoon Oh

Chang Hoon Oh
  • William & Judy Docking Professor of Strategy
  • Management and Entrepreneurship academic area

Contact Info

Capitol Federal Hall, Room 4156


Chang Hoon Oh is the William and Judy Docking Professor of Strategy at the University of Kansas School of Business. He previously was the William Saywell Professor in Asia Pacific Business at the Beedie School of Business in Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. Oh was a distinguished visiting scholar at KAIST Graduate School of Business during summer 2023; the inaugural Alan Rugman Visiting Fellow in the Henley Business School, University of Reading, United Kingdom for the 2015–16 academic year; and a visiting professor in Korea University Business School for the 2015-16 academic year. He also worked for Brock University as an associate professor, and for the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University-Bloomington, as an associate instructor. He received his doctoral degree from the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University-Bloomington. Oh worked for Samsung Electronics and Samsung Corp. in various capacities. He served his military service as an instructor, first lieutenant ROTC, in South Korea.

He is best known for his pioneering research on business responses to natural disasters and other types of catastrophic risks, which he started in 2006. His research centers on business responses to NOSTEP (natural, organizational, social, technological, economic, and political) risks, business continuity and sustainability, non-market strategy in challenging environments, and globalization versus regionalization. He also proceeds to interdisciplinary works and bridges between business and economics, and between business and political science. He was listed as one of the Top Scientists in the field of business and management by (2023). Oh's research has been supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Canadian International Resources and Development Institute (CIRDI) and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). He has collaborated with World Wildlife Fund of Nature (WWF), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and EY-Korea. 

He received the Temple/AIB Best Paper Award (with S. Ho) from the Academy of International Business, 2021, the OB/HRM/OT Best Paper Award (with J. Oetzel) from International Management Division of Academy of Management in 2015; the best paper award (with J. Oetzel) from the European International Business Academy in 2016; and the "That is Interesting" award (with M.Y. Kim) supported by Aalto University at Academy of International Business in 2018. His studies were also nominated several times for the Haynes Prize of the Most Promising Scholars (2009, 2012) and for the Temple/AIB Best Conference Paper (2012, 2017) by the Academy of International Business, for the Carolyn Dexter Award by Academy of Management (2017, 2020), and the Best Conference Paper Award by Strategic Management Society (2010, 2012, 2014).

He has published over 60 papers in peer reviewed journals, over 10 book chapters, several industry reports and others. He is an author of book "Business Adaptation to Climate Change" by Cambridge University Press (co-authored with J. Rivera, J. Oetzel, and V. Clement). His research outcomes and interviews have been cited and quoted in popular global and local news media such as Harvard Business ReviewFinancial TimesForbesThe EconomistThe Huffington PostSouth China Morning PostThe Conversation (in French), Korea Times in Canada (in Korean), Chosun Ilbo (in Korean), and Pitchfork

He is currently an associate editor of Global Strategy Journal and a consulting editor of Journal of World Business. Oh also serves as a member of the editorial review board for the Journal of International Business Studies and Journal of International Business Policy. He has also co-edited multiple special issues in Journal of World BusinessInternational Marketing ReviewInternational Journal of Production and Operations Management, and Multinational Business Review. He was co-editor-in-chief of Multinational Business Review during October 2016–June 2023.


Ph.D., Kelley School of Business, Indiana University – Bloomington
MBA, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


Research interests:

  • (International) Business Strategy
  • Non-market and political strategies
  • Conflicts between communities and companies
  • Globalization versus regionalization
  • Strategic management in challenging environments.


Teaching interests:

  • Strategic management
  • Management and strategy of multinational enterprises
  • Business in developing countries
  • Political and nonmarket strategy

Selected Publications

Ho, S., Oh, C., Shapiro, D. (2024). Can Corporate Social Responsibility Lead to Social License? A Sentiment and Emotion Analysis. Journal of Management Studies - Issue 2 | Volume 61.
Oh, C., Kim, M. (2024). Colocation as Network: Implications of Structural Positions in Colocation Network. Journal of International Business Studies. - Issue 1 | Volume 55.
Oetzel, J., Oh, C., Rivera, J., Clement, V. (2022). Business Adaptation to Climate Change: . Cambridge Univ Pr. [9781108835725].
Oh, C., Oetzel, J. (2022). Natural disasters and multinational enterprises: Challenges and opportunities for IB research . Journal of International Business Studies - Issue 2 | Volume 53.
Oh, C., Oetzel, J. (2022). Multinational enterprises and natural disasters: Challenges and opportunities for IB research. Journal of International Business Studies - Issue 2 | Volume 53.
Albino-Pimentel, J., Oetzel, J., Oh, C., Poggioli, N. (2021). Positive institutional changes through peace: The relative effects of peace agreements and non-market capabilities on FDI. Journal of International Business Studies - Issue 7 | Volume 52.
Oetzel, J., Oh, C. (2021). A Storm Is Brewing: Antecedents Of Disaster Preparation In Risk Prone Locations. Strategic Management Journal - Issue 8 | Volume 42.
Kano, L., Oh, C. (2020). Global value chains in the post‐COVID world: Governance for reliability. Journal of Management Studies - Issue 8 | Volume 57.
Oh, C., Shapiro, D., Ho, S., Shin, J. (2020). Location Matters: Valuing Firm‐Specific Non-Market Risk in the Global Mining Industry. Strategic Management Journal - Issue 7 | Volume 41.
Pek, S., Oh, C., Rivera, J. (2018). MNC Foreign Investment and industrial disasters: The Role of Technological, Safety Management, and Philanthropic Capabilities. Strategic Management Journal - Issue 2 | Volume 39.
Oh, C., Oetzel, J. (2017). Once bitten twice shy? E xperience managing violent conflict risk and MNC subsidiary‐level investment and expansion. Strategic Management Journal - Issue 3 | Volume 38.
Selmier Ii, W., Newenham-Kahindi, A., Oh, C. (2015). "Understanding the Words of Relationships": Language as an Essential Tool to manage CSR in Communities of Place. Journal of International Business Studies - Issue 2 | Volume 46.
Oetzel, J., Oh, C. (2014). Learning to Carry the Cat by the Tail: Firm Experience, Disasters, and Multinational Subsidiary Entry and Expansion. Organization Science - Issue 3 | Volume 25.
Selmier, W., Oh, C. (2013). The Power of Major Trade Languages in Trade and Foreign Direct Investment. Review of International Political Economy - Issue 3 | Volume 20.
De Clercq, D., Lim, D., Oh, C. (2013). Individual-Level Resources and New Business Activity: The Contingent Role of Institutional Context. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice - Issue 2 | Volume 37.
Rugman, A., Oh, C., Lim, D. (2012). The Regional and Global Competitiveness of Multinational Firms. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science - Issue 2 | Volume 40.
Oh, C., Oetzel, J. (2011). Multinationals' response to major disasters: how does subsidiary investment vary in response to the type of disaster and the quality of country governance?. Strategic Management Journal - Issue 6 | Volume 32.
Oh, C., Reuveny, R. (2010). Climatic natural disasters, political risk, and international trade. Global Environmental Change - Issue 2 | Volume 20.
Fratianni, M., Oh, C. (2009). Expanding RTAs, trade flows, and the multinational enterprise. Journal of International Business Studies - Volume 40.
Oh, C., Selmier, W. (2008). Expanding international trade beyond the RTA border: The case of ASEAN's economic diplomacy. Economics Letters - Issue 3 | Volume 100.