Kylie Hershey

- Ph.D. Candidate
- Management and Entrepreneurship academic area
Contact Info
Biography —
Prior to her Ph.D. work, Kylie worked as a research and analytics professional. As an analyst, she led data collection, infrastructure, and analysis efforts, generated reports and insights, and presented findings to a variety of organizations across retail, restaurant, aviation, animal health, healthcare, telecommunications, automotive, food services clients and, more recently, police. Today, she provides research, analytics, communication, and HR consulting to several organizations ranging from small non-profits to Fortune 500 companies.
Education —
Research —
Research interests:
- High-potential Employees
- Executives
- Careers
- Talent Management
Teaching —
MGMT 410: Human Resources Management
MGMT 440: Advanced Organizational Behavior
Selected Presentations —
Hershey, K.L. & Ellingson, J.E. (2024, August). The career trajectories of high potential. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.
Hershey, K.L. (2023, October). Employee-level outcomes of female representation in top management. Invited presentation at the University of Kansas’ Department of Social Psychology’s Proseminar, Lawrence, KS.
Hershey, K.L. & Ellingson, J.E. (2023, August). Identifying and developing high potential employees: A life stage perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Awards & Honors —
Chancellor's GTA Award
Constance B. Ducey Teaching Award
Memberships —
HR Division Executive Committee Member, Academy of Management