Nathan Lundstrom

Nathan Lundstrom
  • Associate Professor
  • Accounting academic area

Contact Info

Capitol Federal Hall, Room 4177


CPA, State of Arizona
Certified Fraud Examiner
Ph.D. in Accounting, University of Missouri
B.S. in Accounting and Management Information Systems, University of Arizona


Research interests:

  • Auditing
  • Governance
  • Financial Reporting

Selected Publications

<div class="fp-publications fp-container"><div class="aca-article">Christensen, B., Lundstrom, N., Newton, N. (2021). Does the Disclosure of PCAOB Inspection Findings Increase Audit Firms' Litigation Exposure?. The Accounting Review - Issue 3 | Volume 96. <a href="">… class="aca-article">Khurana, I., Lundstrom, N., Raman, K. (2021). PCAOB Inspections and the Differential Audit Quality Effect for Big 4 and Non–Big 4 US Auditors*. Contemporary Accounting Research - Issue 1 | Volume 38. <a href="">… class="aca-article">Christensen, B., Lundstrom, N., Newtown, N. (2020). Does the Disclosure of PCAOB Inspection Findings Increase Audit Firms' Litigation Exposure? PCAOB Inspection Findings And Audit Firms' Litigation Exposure. The Accounting Review.</div><div class="aca-article">Khurana, I., Lundstrom, N., Raman, K. (2020). PCAOB Inspections and the Differential Audit Quality Effect for Big 4 and Non‐Big 4 US Auditors. Contemporary Accounting Research.</div></div>