Nathan Lundstrom
- Associate Professor
- Accounting academic area
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Education —
Research —
Research interests:
- Auditing
- Governance
- Financial Reporting
Selected Publications —
<div class="fp-publications fp-container"><div class="aca-article">Christensen, B., Lundstrom, N., Newton, N. (2021). Does the Disclosure of PCAOB Inspection Findings Increase Audit Firms' Litigation Exposure?. The Accounting Review - Issue 3 | Volume 96. <a href="">… class="aca-article">Khurana, I., Lundstrom, N., Raman, K. (2021). PCAOB Inspections and the Differential Audit Quality Effect for Big 4 and Non–Big 4 US Auditors*. Contemporary Accounting Research - Issue 1 | Volume 38. <a href="">… class="aca-article">Christensen, B., Lundstrom, N., Newtown, N. (2020). Does the Disclosure of PCAOB Inspection Findings Increase Audit Firms' Litigation Exposure? PCAOB Inspection Findings And Audit Firms' Litigation Exposure. The Accounting Review.</div><div class="aca-article">Khurana, I., Lundstrom, N., Raman, K. (2020). PCAOB Inspections and the Differential Audit Quality Effect for Big 4 and Non‐Big 4 US Auditors. Contemporary Accounting Research.</div></div>