Niki A. den Nieuwenboer

Niki A. den Nieuwenboer
  • Associate Professor
  • Management and Entrepreneurship academic area

Contact Info

Capitol Federal Hall, Room 3176


Niki den Nieuwenboer’s research focuses on deviance in the workplace. Among others, she studies how middle managers can force subordinates to deceive upper management about their performance, the influence of social status desires on misconduct, the challenges that ethics and compliance officers face in enacting their role, and the role of meaning in moral disengagement. Her more recent projects include work on how organizations can overcome ethics scandals, and work on dyslexia in the workplace. The latter project examines such things as the dignity slights that many dyslectics face and how they deal with those.

Den Nieuwenboer has published, among others, in Organization Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, the Annual Review of Psychology, and the Journal of Business Ethics. She sits on the editorial review board of Business Ethics Quarterly and won the journal’s Outstanding Reviewer Award in 2020. In 2017, den Nieuwenboer won, together with Gary Weaver, the Best Business Ethics Paper Award sponsored by Journal of Business Ethics of the Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management, for the paper “Context, meaning and agency in moral disengagement: A symbolic interactionist perspective.” Den Nieuwenboer was runner-up in the Doctoral Dissertation Competition of the Social Issues in Management Division in 2009 and runner-up in Duke University's annual Fuqua School of Business Center of Leadership and Ethics (COLE) Dissertation Proposal Competition in 2007. Prior to earning her Ph.D., den Nieuwenboer worked for KPMG Forensic in Brussels, Belgium, as a consultant in ethics management.


Ph.D. in Management Studies, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, the Netherlands
M.S. in Applied Ethics, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
M.A. in Social and Organizational Psychology , Leiden University, the Netherlands


Professor Den Nieuwenboer teaches ethical decision making in KU's Undergraduate business program as well as in the Master of Science in Organizational Leadership that is taught at the KU Leavenworth campus. The class focuses on understanding the (social) psychology and sociology of (un-)ethical decision making in business, and (in the Organizational Leadership program), the military, such that ultimately students are able to build and manage more ethical organizations, where unethical behavior is, thus, less likely to happen. Professor Den Nieuwenboer also teaches a Responsible Conduct in Research seminar in the Business School's PhD program, as well as a PhD seminar in Organizational Behavior.

Teaching interests:

  • ethics
  • ethical decisions
  • organizations
  • business
  • military
  • psychology and sociology of ethical decision making

Selected Publications

Den Nieuwenboer, N. (2024). Growth Through Ethical Role Identity Work: The Case of Ethics and Compliance Officers. Journal of Business Ethics.
Treviño, L., Den Nieuwenboer, N., Kish-Gephart, J. (2024). Integrity in organisations: A positive behavioural ethics perspective. Research Handbook on Organisational Integrity. (pp. 129-161). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Den Nieuwenboer, N., Gephart, J., Trevino, L., Peng, C., Reychav, I. (2023). The Dark Side of Status at Work: Perceived Status Importance, Envy, and Interpersonal Deviance. Business Ethics Quarterly - Issue 2 | Volume 33.
Den Nieuwenboer, N., Trevino, L. (2019). Human Resources and Ethics Management: Partners in (Reducing) Crime. The Sage Handbook of Human Resource Management. Sage Pubns Ltd. [9781526435026].
Den Nieuwenboer, N., Cunha, J., Trevino, L. (2017). Middle Managers and Corruptive Routine Translation: The Social Production of Deceptive Performance. Organization Science - Issue 5 | Volume 28.
Trevino, L., Den Nieuwenboer, N., Kreiner, G., Bishop, D. (2014). Legitimating the legitimate: A grounded theory study of legitimacy work among Ethics and Compliance Officers. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes - Issue 2 | Volume 123.
Gephart, J., Trevino, L., Den Nieuwenboer, N. (2014). (Un)Ethical Behavior in Organizations. Annual Review of Psychology 2014. Annual Reviews. [9780824302658].
Trevino, L., Den Nieuwenboer, N., Gephart, J. (2014). (Un)Ethical Behavior in Organizations. Annual Review of Psychology - Issue 1 | Volume 65.
Den Nieuwenboer, N., Den Nieuwenboer, N., Kaptein, M. (2008). Spiraling Down into Corruption: A Dynamic Analysis of the Social Identity Processes that Cause Corruption in Organizations to Grow. Journal of Business Ethics - Issue 2 | Volume 83.