Surendra N. Singh

- AT&T Foundation Professor
- Marketing and Business Law academic area
Contact Info
Capitol Federal Hall, Room 3185
Education —
Ph.D. in Business, University of Wisconsin, Madison
M.S. in Marketing, University of Wisconsin, Madison
B.S., Benaras Hindu University, India
Research —
Research interests:
- mere exposure effects in advertising
- effectiveness of multimedia ads
- effects of program-induced differentiated emotions on ad-memory
- syntactic complexity of the ad and ad-memory
- bi-lingual adverting
- visual perception processes in Web page and Web site viewing
- valid methods for securing user input in the Web page/site design process
- the role of employee affective display in service encounters
- social marketing
- surrogate advertising and brand dilution
Selected Publications —
Wang, Z., Singh, S., Li, J., Mishra, S., Ambrose, M., Biernat, M. (2017). Effects of Employees’ Positive Affective Displays on Customer Loyalty Intentions: An Emotions-as-Social-Information Perspective. The Academy of Management Journal - Issue 1 | Volume 60.
Choi, J., Li, J., Rangan, P., Chatterjee, P., Singh, S. (2014). The odd-ending price justification effect: the influence of price-endings on hedonic and utilitarian consumption. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science - Issue 5 | Volume 42.
Wang, Z., Arndt, A., Singh, S., Biernat, M., Liu, F. (2013). Erratum to “‘You lost me at hello’: How and when accent-based biases are expressed and suppressed” [Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 30/2 (2013) 185–196]. International Journal of Research in Marketing - Issue 4 | Volume 30.
Wang, Z., Arndt, A., Singh, S., Biernat, M., Liu, F. (2013). “You Lost Me at Hello”: How and when accent-based biases are expressed and suppressed. International Journal of Research in Marketing - Issue 2 | Volume 30.
Singh, S., Hillmer, S., Wang, Z. (2011). Efficient Methods for Sampling Responses from Large-Scale Qualitative Data. Marketing Science - Issue 3 | Volume 30.
Donavan, D., Singh, S., Todd Donavan, D., Mishra, S., Little, T. (2008). The latent structure of landscape perception: A mean and covariance structure modeling approach. Journal of Environmental Psychology - Issue 4 | Volume 28.
Patil, V., Mishra, S., Singh, S. (2008). Efficient Theory Development and Factor Retention Criteria: A Case for Abandoning the Most Popular Criterion. Journal of Business Research - Issue 2 | Volume 61.
Fang, X., Singh, S., Ahluwalia, R. (2007). An Examination of Different Explanations for the Mere Exposure Effect. The Journal of Consumer Research - Issue 1 | Volume 34.
Singh, S., Dalal, N., Spears, N. (2005). Understanding Web home page perception. European Journal of Information Systems - Issue 3 | Volume 14.
Singh, S., Dalal, N. (1999). Web Home Pages as Ads: A Communications View. Communications of the ACM - Issue 8 | Volume 42.
Bendapudi, N., Singh, S., Bendapudi, V. (1996). Enhancing Helping Behavior: An Integrative Framework for Promotion Planning. Journal of Marketing - Issue 3 | Volume 60.
Singh, S., Mishra, S., Bendapudi, N., Linville, D. (1994). Enhancing Memory of Television Commercials through Message Spacing. Journal of Marketing Research - Volume 31.
Singh, S., Cole, C. (1993). The Effect of Length, Content, and Repetition on Television Commercial Effectiveness. Journal of Marketing Research - Volume 30.
Murray, J., Lastovicka, J., Singh, S. (1992). Feeling and Liking Responses to Television Programs: An Examination of Two Explanations for Context Effects. Journal of Consumer Research - Issue 4 | Volume 18.
Singh, S., Rothschild, M., Churchill, G. (1988). Recognition Versus Recall as Measures of Commercial Forgetting. Journal of Marketing Research - Issue 1 | Volume 25.
Singh, S., Churchill, G. (1986). Using the Theory of Signal Detection to Improve Ad Recognition Testing. Journal of Marketing Research - Volume 23.
Singh, S., Rothschild, M. (1983). Recognition as a Measure of Learning from Television Commercials. Journal of Marketing Research - Volume 20.