Vincent Barker

- Edmund P. Learned Professor
- Management and Entrepreneurship academic area
Contact Info
Capitol Federal Hall, Room 3104
Personal Links
Biography —
Vincent Barker's current research focuses on how top managers influence strategy, especially as shaped by their personalities, motivations, backgrounds and understandings of their competitive situations. He is especially interested in extreme cases such as declining organizations where understandings are influenced by pressure and resource constraints. In addition to his own research, Barker currently serves on the editorial boards of the Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies and Journal of Business Research.
Education —
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
B.B.A., University of Michigan
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Strategic Management
- General Management
- Leadership
- Implementing strategy
Selected Publications —
Cheng, Z., Wangrow, D., Barker, V. (2024). Career concerns of young and old CEOs: Their effect on R&D spending in the software industry. Long Range Planning - Issue 3 | Volume 57.
Morales, J., Barker, V., Cordero, A. (2023). CEO's industry experience and emerging market SME performance: The effects of corruption and political uncertainty. Journal of Business Venturing Insights - Volume 20.
Kolev, K., Schepker, D., Wangrow, D., Barker, V. (2023). The Board Committee Chair Effect: How Much Does It Contribute to Firm Performance?. Journal of Management.
Barker, V., Luger, J., Schmitt, A., Xin, K. (2022). Corporate decline and turnarounds in times of digitalization. Long Range Planning - Issue 1 | Volume 57.
Kolev, K., Wangrow, D., Barker, V., Schepker, D. (2019). Board committees in corporate governance: A crossâdisciplinary review and agenda for the future. Journal of Management Studies - Issue 6 | Volume 56.
Wangrow, D., Schepker, D., Barker, V. (2018). Power, performance, and expectations in the dismissal of NBA coaches: A survival analysis study. Sport Management Review - Issue 4 | Volume 21.
Schepker, D., Barker, V. (2018). How stigmatized are dismissed chief executives? T he role of character questioning causal accounts and executive capital in dismissed CEO reemployment. Strategic Management Journal - Issue 9 | Volume 39.
Oh, W., Barker, V. (2018). Not All Ties Are Equal: CEO Outside Directorships and Strategic Imitation in R&D Investment. Journal of Management - Issue 4 | Volume 44.
Wangrow, D., Schepker, D., Barker, V. (2015). Managerial Discretion: An Empirical Review and Focus on Future Research Directions. Journal of Management - Issue 1 | Volume 41.
Ndofor, H., Vanevenhoven, J., Barker, V. (2013). Software firm turnarounds in the 1990s: An analysis of reversing decline in a growing, dynamic industry. Strategic Management Journal - Issue 9 | Volume 34.