Management and Entrepreneurship publications
2025 and forthcoming
Zheng, R., Oh, W., & Oh, C.H. (forthcoming). How does media coverage of corporate social irresponsibility influence cross-border acquisition completion? Evidence from Chinese MNEs. Management and Organization Review.
Barker, V. L. III, Luger, J., Schmitt, A., & Xin, K. R. (2024). Corporate decline and turnarounds in times of digitalization. Long Range Planning. 57: 102211
Cheng, Z., Wangrow, D.B. & Barker, V.L. III. (2024). Career Concerns of Young and Old CEOs: Their Effect on R&D Spending in the Software Industry. Long Range Planning. 57 (3).
Li, Mengwei, Na Fu, Clint Chadwick, and Brian Harney (2024). Untangling Human Resource Management and Employee Wellbeing Relationships: Differentiating Job Resource HR Practices from Challenge Demand HR Practices. Human Resource Management Journal. 34(1): 214-235.
Jo, Jinhwan, Clint Chadwick, and Joo Hun Han (2024). How the Human Resource (HR) Function Adds Strategic Value: The HR Function's Relational Activities, Human Capital Resources, and Firm Performance. Human Resource Management, 63(1): 5-23.
Subramony, Mahesh, Clint Chadwick, Timothy Vogus, Charles Gowen, and Kathleen McFadden (2024). Workload, Nurse Turnover, and Patient Mortality: A Test of a Moderated-Mediation Model. Health Care Management Review, 49(1): 23-34.
Clint Chadwick, James Guthrie, Xuejing Xing, and Shan Yan (2024). “Human Resource Executives, Pay Rank, and Firm Performance.” Human Resource Management, 63(3): 499-516.
den Nieuwenboer, N. A., Treviño, L. K., Bishop, D., Kreiner, G. E., & Murphy, C. (2024). Growth Through Ethical Role Identity Work: The Case of Ethics and Compliance Officers. Journal of Business Ethics.
Ferguson, A., Downes, P. E., Brymer, R., Hayman, M. G., & Stoverink, A. (2024). Relieving the Pressure: Team Familiarity Attenuates External Conformity Pressure on Team Member Decisions. Journal of Management, 50, 1836-1864.
Li, P., Qu, Y., Li, M., Downes, P. E., & Wang, G. (2024) The effects of relational human resource management: A moderated mediation model of positive affective climate and collective occupational calling. Human Resource Management. 63 (4): 673-689.
Ferguson, A. & Downes, P. E. (2024). Where are all the low-risk R&Rs? Group & Organization Management. 0 (0): 1-12.
Rawhouser, H., Islam, M., Jones Christensen, L., Embry, E., Williams, T., Conger, M. (2024). Supporting Refugees: An Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness Approach. Journal of Business Venturing Insights.
Jones Christensen, L., Embry, E., Newman, A., Godfrey, P. (in press). If the Body Keeps the Score, What Happens When You Bring the Body to Work? Exploring the Health Effects of Trauma on Human Capital. Business and Society.
Brownell, K., Embry, E. (2024). Leading to Disruption: How Lead Founder Personality Impacts New Venture Team Innovation, Autonomy, and Relationship Conflict. International Journal of Personality Psychology. 10: 129-136.
Meikle, N. L., & Bonner, B. L. (2024). Unaware and Unaccepting: Human Biases and the Advent of Artificial Intelligence. Technology, Mind, & Behavior. 5 (2).
Ho, S. S. H., Oh, C. H., & Shapiro, D. (2024). Can corporate social responsibility lead to social license? A sentiment and emotion analysis. Journal of Management Studies. 61 (1): 445-476.
Kim, M., Oh, C. H., & Han, J. (2024). Colocation as network: Types and performance implications of structural positions in colocation network. Journal of International Business Studies. 55 (1): 71-90.
Ouyang, H., Park, C., & Oh, C.H. (2024). The impact of reverse knowledge transfers on exploitative and exploratory innovations in MNCs: The role of knowledge distance. Journal of Business Research, 179: 114682.
Oetzel, J. & Oh, C.H. (2024). Political conflict. In C.G. Asmussen, N. Hashai, and D. Minbaeva (eds.), Encyclopedia of International Strategic Management. Edward Elgar, pp. 334-336.
Kolev, K. D., Schepker, D. J., Wangrow, D. B., & Barker, V. L. III. (2023). The board committee chair effect: How much does it contribute to firm performance? Journal of Management. 0 (0).
Moralis-Solis, J. C., Barker, V. L. III, & Cordero, A. M. (2023). CEO’s industry experience and emerging market SME performance: The effects of corruption and political uncertainty. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 20: e00424.
Manchester, C. M., Leroy, S., Dahm, P. C., & Glomb, T. M. (2023). Amplifying the gender gap in academia: “Caregiving” at work during the pandemic. Industrial Relations, 62 (3): 288–316.
Den Nieuwenboer, N. A., Kish-Gephart, J. J., Treviño, L. K, Peng, A., & Reychav, I. (2023). The dark side of status at work: Perceived status importance, envy, and interpersonal deviance. Business Ethics Quarterly, 33 (2): 261–295.
Downes, P. E., Harris, T. B., & Allen, D. A. (2023). Getting from valid to useful: End user modifiability and human capital analytics implementation in selection. Human Resource Management. 62 (6): 917-932.
Bennett, V. M., Black, I., & Hall, T. A. (2023). Market segment, organizational form, and information technology fit. Strategy Science. 9 (1): 38-57.
Bucheli, M.,Kim, M., & Lee, J. H. (2023). The endogenous creation of a property rights regime: A historical approach to firm strategy and governance structure. Academy of Management Perspectives. 37 (4): 314-334.
Lee, K., Kim, M., & You, C. (2023). Betwixt and between: National and organizational identification of host country managers working in MNE subsidiaries, Academy of Management Journal, 66 (3): 744–772.
Yang, J., Kim, M., Li, J. T., & Lu, J. (2023). Information voids and cross-border bandwagons of foreign direct investment into an emerging economy, Strategic Management Journal, 44 (11): 2751–2782.
Ciravegna, L., Ahlstrom, D., Michailova, S., Oh, C. H., & Gaur, A. (2023). Exogenous shocks and MNEs: Learning from pandemics, conflicts, and other major disruptions. Journal of World Business, 58 (6): 101487.
Lee, S., Whang. U., Nahm, S., & Oh, C. H. (2023). Productivity gap and expatriate utilization. Multinational Business Review, 31 (2): 266–289.
Oh, C. H., Shin, J., & Ho, S. S. H. (2023). Conflicts between mining companies and communities: Institutional environments and conflict resolution approaches. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 32 (2): 638–656.
Park, J., Muaid, R., Lew, Y. K., & Oh, C. H. (2023). Exploring the role of organizational learning and leadership in developing dynamic capabilities. European Journal of International Management, 19 (1): 27–57.
Shapiro, D., Oh, C. H., & Zhang, P. (2023). Nighttime lights data and their implications for IB research. Journal of International Management. 29 (5): 101055.
Anderson, B. S. (2022). What executives get wrong about statistics: Moving from statistical significance to effect sizes and practical impact. Business Horizons, 65 (3): 379–388.
Anderson, B. S., Schueler, J., Baum, M., Wales, W., & Gupta, V. K. (2022). The chicken or the egg: Causal inference in the entrepreneurial orientation‐performance relationship. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 46 (6): 1569–1596.
Wangrow, D. B., Schepker, D. J., & Barker, V. L. III. (2022). When does CEO succession lead to strategic change? The mediating role of top management team replacement. Journal of General Management. 0 (0).
Chadwick, C., Li, M., & Na, I. (2022). Leveraging strategic human capital research themes in strategic HRM research. In P. Sherer (Eds.), Research Agenda in Strategic Human Resource Management: Bringing Variety in Forms, Theory, and Methodology &Outcomes, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Lin, C., Shipton, H., Teng, W., Kitt, A., Do, H., & Chadwick, C. (2022). Sparking creativity among manufacturing workers using extrinsic rewards: A self-determination theory perspective. Human Resource Management, 61 (6): 723–735.
Stanko, T. L., Dahm, P. C., Lahneman, B., & Richter, J. (2022). Navigating an identity playground: Using sociomateriality to build a theory of identity play. Organization Studies, 43 (1): 81–103.
Downes, P.E. & Lee, E. S. (2022). A relational view of shiftwork: Co-scheduling with higher performers. Human Resource Management, 62 (4): 429–443.
Ellingson, J. E. & Tirol-Carmody, K. B. (2022). Unlocking the potential of other-ratings for human resource management research. Research in Personnel & Human Resources Management, 40: 1–41.
Vedula, S., York, J. G., Conger, M., Embry, E. (2022). Green to gone? Regional institutional logics and firm survival in moral markets. Organization Science, 33 (6): 2274–2299.
Hall, T. A. & Hasan, S. 2022. Organizational decision-making and the returns to experimentation. Journal of Organization Design, 11 (4): 129–144.
Polidoro, F., Lampert, C. M., &Kim, M. (2022). External knowledge sourcing, knowledge spillovers and internal collaboration: The effects of intrafirm linkages on firm-university co-authorship linkages. Strategic Management Journal,43 (13): 2742–2776.
Bonner, B. L., Shannahan, D., Bain, K., Coll, K., & Meikle, N. L. (2022). The theory and measurement of expertise-based problem solving in organizational teams: Revisiting demonstrability. Organization Science, 33 (4): 1452–1469.
Bonner, B. L., Soderberg, A. T., Meikle, N. L., & Overbeck, J. R. (2022). The effects of experience, expertise, reward power, and decision power in groups. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, & Practice, 26 (4): 309–321.
Greenwood, B., Adjerid, I., Angst, C. M., & Meikle, N. L. (2022). How unbecoming of you: Online experiments uncovering gender biases in perceptions of ridesharing performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 175: 499–518.
Ho, S. S. H. & Oh, C. H. (2022). Technological overlap and cultural distance in MNCs’ location choice of technological cluster in China. In Z. Khan, S.R. Nair, and Y.K. Lew (eds.), Research Handbook on Knowledge Transfer & International Business. Edward Elgar, pp. 159–176.
Jain, R., Oh, C. H., & Shapiro, D. (2022). A bibliometric analysis and future research opportunities in Multinational Business Review. Multinational Business Review, 30 (3): 313–342.
Oh, C. H. & Oetzel, J. (2022). Multinational enterprises and natural disasters: Challenges and opportunities for IB research. Journal of International Business Studies, 53 (2): 231–254.
Oh, C.H. & Oetzel, J. (2022). Managers’ identification of natural disaster risks: Findings from a survey of 18 countries. In R. van Tulder, A. Verbeke, L. Piscitello, & J. Puck (eds.), International Business in Times of Crisis (Progress in International Business Research, Vol. 16). Emerald, pp. 451–473.
Rivera, J., Oh, C. H., Oetzel, J., & Wei, C. (2022). Business Adaptation to Climate Change. Cambridge University Press.
Selmier II, W.T. & Oh, C. H. (2022). Global closure, crises, and financial market: A commentary. In M. Mithani, R. Narula, I. Surdu, and A. Verbeke (eds.), Crises and Disruptions in International Business: How Multinational Enterprises Respond to Crises. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 43–51.
Chadwick, C. & Flinchbaugh, C. 2021. Searching for competitive advantage in the HRM/Firm performance relationship. Academy of Management Perspectives, 35 (2): 181–207.
Subramony, M. & Chadwick, C. (2021). Too much tenure? Non-linear effects in the relationship between business-unit tenure and productivity. Human Resource Management, 60 (3): 363–375.
Yang, T. & Dahm, P. C. (2021). Mercurial hearts: A dyadic perspective of the role of affect spin in work-family conflict and marital satisfaction. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 70 (4): 1784–1809.
Downes, P. E., Gonzalez‐Mulé, E., Seong, J. Y., & Park, W. W. (2021). To collaborate or not? The moderating effects of team conflict on performance‐prove goal orientation, collaboration, and team performance. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 94 (3): 568–590.
Downes, P. E., Reeves, C. J., McCormick, B., Boswell, W. R, & Butts, M. (2021). Incorporating job demand variability into job demands theory: A meta-analysis. Journal of Management, 47 (6): 1630–1656.
Methot, J. R., Rosado-Solomon, E., Gabriel, A., & Downes, P. E. (2021). Office chit-chat as a social ritual: The uplifting yet distracting effects of daily small talk at work. Academy of Management Journal, 64 (5): 1445–1471.
Dachner, A. M., Ellingson, J. E., Noe, R. A., & Saxton, B. M. (2021). The future of employee development. Human Resource Management Review, 31 (2):1–14.
Bain, K., Kreps, T. A., Meikle, N. L., & Tenney, E. R. (2021). Amplifying voice in organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 64 (4): 1288–1312.
Bain, K., Kreps, T. A., Meikle, N. L., & Tenney, E. R. (2021). Amplifying your colleagues’ voices benefits everyone. Harvard Business Review, June.
Albino-Pimentel, J., Oetzel, J., Oh, C. H., & Poggioli, N. (2021). Positive institutional changes through peace: The relative effects of peace agreements and non-market capabilities on FDI. Journal of International Business Studies, 52 (7): 1256–1278
Oetzel, J. & Oh, C. H. (2021). A storm is brewing: Antecedents of disaster preparation in risk prone locations. Strategic Management Journal, 42 (8): 1545–1570.
Oh, C. H., Shin, J., & Oetzel, J. (2021). How does experience change firms' foreign direct investment decisions to non-market events? Journal of International Management, 27 (1): 100802.
Cottle, G. & Anderson, B. S. (2020). The temptation of exaggeration: Legitimacy and funding in entrepreneurial pitches. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 14: e00190.
Kreiser, P.M., Anderson, B. S., Kuratko, D.F., & Marino, L. (2020). Entrepreneurial
orientation and environmental hostility: A threat rigidity perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 44 (6): 1174–1198.
Wennberg, K. & Anderson, Brian S. 2020. Enhancing the exploration and communication of
quantitative entrepreneurship research. Journal of Business Venturing, 35 (3): 1–11.
Chadwick, C. (2020). What law firm spinouts can mean for strategic human capital research. Employee Mobility: A Conversation across Disciplines and Setting a New Agenda, Daniel Tzabbar and Bruce Cirillo (eds.). Advances in Strategic Management, 41: 411-414.
Flinchbaugh, C., Ishqaidef, G., & Chadwick, C. (2020). A shared human resources change initiative: What influences (in)effectiveness? Journal of Change Management, 20 (4): 369–386.
Flinchbaugh, C., Zare, M., Chadwick, C., Li, P., & Essman, S. (2020). The influence of independent contractors on organizational effectiveness: A review. Human Resource Management Review, 30 (2): 100681.
Coghlan, D., Shani, R., & Dahm, P. C. (2020). Knowledge production in organization development: An interiority-based perspective. Journal of Change Management, 20 (1): 81–98.
Downes, P. E., Crawford, E. R., Seibert, S. E., Stoverink, A. C., & Campbell, E. M. (2020). Referents or role models? The self-efficacy and job performance effects of perceiving higher performing peers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106 (3): 422–438.
McCormick, B., Reeves, C. J., Downes, P. E., Li, N., & Ilies, R. (2020). Scientific contributions of within-person research in management: Making the juice worth the squeeze. Journal of Management, 46 (2): 321–350
Roth, P. L., Thatcher, J. B., Bobko, P., Matthews, K. D., Ellingson, J. E., & Goldberg, C. (2020). Political affiliation and employment screening decisions: The role of similarity and identification processes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105 (5): 472–486.
Bennett, V. M. & Hall, T. A. (2020). Software availability and entry. Strategic Management Journal, 41 (5): 950–962.
Lampert, C. M., Kim, M., & Polidoro, F. (2020). Branching and Anchoring: Complementary Asset Configurations in Conditions of Knightian Uncertainty. Academy of Management Review, 45 (4): 847–868.
Kim, M., Lampert, C. M., & Roy, R. (2020). Regionalization of R&D activities: (dis)economies of interdependence and inventive performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 51 (7): 1054–1075.
Kano, L. and Oh, C. H. (2020). Global value chains in the post-Covid world: Governance for reliability. Journal of Management Studies, 57 (8): 1773–1777
Oh, C. H. (2020). The changing terrain of international strategy for Korean multinationals. Asian Business & Management, 19 (2): 171–174.
Oh, C. H., Oetzel, J., Rivera, J., & Lien, D. (2020). Natural disasters and MNC sub-national investment in China. Multinational Business Review, 28 (2): 245–274.
Oh, C. H., Shapiro, D., Ho, S. S., & Shin, J. (2020). Location matters: Valuing firm‐specific non-market risk in the global mining industry. Strategic Management Journal, 41 (7): 1210–1244.
Anderson, B. S., Eshima, Y., & Hornsby, J. S. (2019). Strategic Entrepreneurial Behaviors: Construct and Scale Development. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 13 (2): 199–220.
Anderson, B. S., Wennberg, K., & McMullen, J. (2019). Enhancing Quantitative Theory‐Testing Entrepreneurship Research. Journal of Business Venturing, 34 (5): 1–11.
Kolev, K. D., Wangrow, D. B., Barker, V. L., III, & Schepker, D. J. (2019). Board committees in corporate governance: A cross-disciplinary review and agenda for the future. Journal of Management Studies, 56 (6): 1138–1193.
Brymer, R., Chadwick, C., Hill, A., & Molloy, J. (2019). Pipelines and their portfolios: A more holistic view of human capital heterogeneity via firm-wide employee sourcing. Academy of Management Perspectives, 33 (2): 207–233.
Dahm, P. C. & Greenbaum, B. (2019). Leadership through love and fear: An effective combination. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 34 (5): 326–338.
Dahm, P. C., Kim, Y. S., & Glomb, T. M. (2019). Leaning in and leaning out: Major and minor work-life trade-offs, self-conscious emotions, and role satisfaction. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary & Applied, 153 (3):478–506.
Dahm, P. C., Kim, Y. S., Glomb, T. M. & Harrison, S. H. (2019). Identity affirmation as threat? Time-bending sensemaking and the career and family identity patterns of early achievers. Academy of Management Journal, 62 (4): 1194–1225.
Manchester, C. F., Leslie, L. M., & Dahm, P. C. (2019). Bringing home the bacon: Unpacking the relationship between breadwinner status and salary. Industrial Relations, 58 (1): 46–85.
Den Nieuwenboer, N. A, & Treviño, L. K. (2019). Human resources and ethics management: Partners in (reducing) crime. In Wilkinson, A., Bacon, N., Snell, S. & Lepak, D. (Eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Human Resource Management (2nd edition): 508–521. Los Angeles, Sage Reference.
Jo, J. & Ellingson, J. (2019). Social relationships and turnover: A multi-disciplinary review and integration. Group & Organization Management, 44 (2): 247–287.
Bucheli, M., Salvaj, E., & Kim, M. (2019). Better together: How multinationals come together with business groups in times of economic and political transitions. Global Strategy Journal, 9 (2): 176–207.
Lampert, C. M. & Kim, M. (2019). Going far to go further: Offshoring, exploration, and R&D performance. Journal of Business Research,103: 376–386.
Lampert, C. M., Kim, M., Hubbard, T. D., Roy, R., & Leckie, G. 2019. Fearlessly swimming upstream to risky waters: The role of geographic entry in innovation. Journal of Management Studies, 56 (7): 1377–1413.
Medina, L. F., Bucheli, M., & Kim, M. (2019). Good friends in high places: Politico-economic determinants of the expropriation and taxation of multinational firms. Journal of International Business Policy, 2 (2): 119–141.
Oh, C. H., Kim, M., & Shin, J. (2019). Paths and geographic scope of international expansion differ across industry groups? International Business Review, 28 (3): 560–574
Tenney, E. R., Meikle, N. L., Hunsaker, D., Moore D. A., & Anderson, C. (2019). Is overconfidence a social liability? The effect of verbal versus nonverbal expressions of confidence. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 116 (3): 396–415.
Oetzel, J. & Oh, C.H. (2019). Melting pot or tribe? Country-level ethnic diversity and its effect on subsidiaries. Journal of International Business Policy, 2 (1): 37–61
Oh, C. H. (2019). Missing "Society" in institutional approaches as social value creation in India and China. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 16 (2): 187–191.
Coffman, C. D. & Anderson, B. S. (2018). Under the table: Exploring the type and
communication of corruption on opportunity pursuit. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 10: e00101.
Titus, V. & Anderson, B. S. (2018). Firm structure and environment as contingencies to the corporate venture capital‐parent firm value relationship: A configurational approach.
Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 4 2(3): 498–522.
Liang, X., Schepker, D. J., & Barker, V. L., III. (2018). Chief executive cognition, turnaround strategy and turnaround attempts of declining firms. Journal of Change Management, 18 (4): 304–326.
Schepker, D. J. & Barker, V. L., III. (2018). How stigmatized are dismissed chief executives? The role of character questioning causal accounts and executive capital in dismissed CEO reemployment. Strategic Management Journal, 39 (9): 2566–2586.
Oh, W. Y. & Barker, V. L., III. (2018). Not all ties are equal: CEO outside directorships and strategic limitation in R&D investment. Journal of Management, 44 (4): 1312–1337.
Wangrow, D. B., Schepker, D. J., & Barker, V. L., III. (2018). Winning isn't everything: An empirical examination of performance, power, and expectations in NBA coach dismissals. Sport Management Review, 21 (4): 333–346.
Chadwick, C. & Li, P. (2018). HR Systems, HR Departments, and perceived establishment Labor Productivity. Human Resource Management, 57 (6): 1415–1428.
Subramony, M., Seegers, J., Chadwick, C., & Shyamsunder, A. (2018). Leadership development practices and organizational performance: The mediating role of human capital and social capital. Journal of Business Research, 83: 120–129.
Alexander, B., Coget, J. F., & Dahm, P. C. (2018). Does Elon Musk rank? Leadership, creativity, and stakeholder impact. Journal of Case Research and Inquiry, 4: 65–82.
Yu, J., Downes, P. E., Carter, K., & O’Boyle, E. H. (2018). The heterogeneity problem in meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM) revisited: A reply to Cheung. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103 (7): 804–811
Kim, M, Kim, S. H., & Lee, J. K. (2018). Spatial heterogeneity of country-of-origin effects within a country: Analysis of online review ratings in US auto market. Marketing Letters, 29(2): 189–205.
Huang, M., Masli, A., Meschke, F.,& Guthrie, J. P. (2017). Clients' workplace environment and corporate audits. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 36 (4): 89–113.
Chen, J., May, D. R., Schwoerer, C. E., & Augelli, B.(2018). Exploring the boundaries of career calling: The moderating roles of procedural justice and psychological safety. Journal of Career Development, 45 (2): 103–116.
Tenney, E. R., Meikle, N. L., & Hunsaker, D. (2018). When overconfidence is an asset and when it’s a liability. Harvard Business Review, December.
Pek, S., Oh, C. H., & Rivera, J. (2018). MNC foreign investment and industrial disasters: The moderating role of technology, safety management, and philanthropic capabilities. Strategic Management Journal, 39 (2): 502–526.
Shapiro, D., Hobdari, B., & Oh, C. H. (2018). Natural resources, multinational enterprises and sustainable development. Journal of World Business, 53 (1): 1–14
Wang, L., Zhao, J., & Zhou, K. (2018). How do incentives motivate absorptive capacity development? The mediating role of employee learning and relational contingencies. Journal of Business Research, 85: 226–237.
Barker, V. L. III & Schmitt, A. (2017). Firm turnarounds in knowledge intensive industries. In J. Adriaanse and J- P van der Rest (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy, 327–345, New York: Routledge.
Chadwick, C. (2017). Towards a more comprehensive model of firms' human capital rents. Academy of Management Review, 42 (3): 499–519.
Leslie, L. M., Manchester, C. F., & Dahm, P. C. (2017). Why and when does the gender pay gap reverse? Diversity goals and the pay premium for high potential women. Academy of Management Journal, 60 (2):402–432.
Den Nieuwenboer, N. A., Vieira da Cunha, J., & Trevino, L. K. (2017). Middle managers and corruptive routine translation: The social production of deceptive performance. Organization Science, 28 (5): 781–803.
Downes, P. E., Kristof-Brown, A. L., Judge, T. A., & Darnold, T. C. (2017). Motivational mechanisms of self-concordance theory: Goal-specific efficacy and person-organization fit. Journal of Business & Psychology, 32: 197–215.
Seibert, S. E., Kacmar, K. M., Kraimer, M. L., Downes, P. E., & Noble, D. (2017). The role of research strategies and professional networks in management scholars' productivity. Journal of Management, 43 (4):1103–1130.
Kim, B. S., Kim, M., & Kim, E. S. (2017). Characteristics of codified knowledge and replication–imitation speed differentials. Management Decision, 55 (8): 1785–1801.
Aguilera, R. V., Desender, K., Lopez-Puertas Lamy, M., & Lee, J. H. (2017). The governance impact of a changing investor landscape. Journal of International Business Studies, 48 (2): 195–221.
Flinchbaugh, C., Schwoerer, C. E., & May, D. R. (2017). Helping yourself to help others: How cognitive change strategies improve employee reconciliation with service clients and positive work outcomes. Journal of Change Management, 17 (3): 249–267.
Bonner B. L., Meikle, N. L., Bain, K., & Shannahan, D. (2017). Business advice: A demonstrability perspective. In L. Van Swol & E. L. MacGeorge (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Advice. Oxford University Press.
Lee, S.-H., Oh, C. H., & Lee, J. Y. (2017). The effect of host country internet infrastructure on MNC foreign direct investment choices. Asia Pacific Business Review, 23 (3): 396–419.
Oh, C. H. (2017). How do natural and man-made disasters affect international trade? A country-level and industry-level analysis. Journal of Risk Research, 20 (2): 195–217.
Oh, C. H. & Fratianni, M. (2017) On the optimal size of bilateral investment treaty network in foreign direct investment flows. Multinational Business Review, 25 (2): 150–170.
Oh, C. H. & Oetzel, J. (2017). Once bitten twice shy? Experience Managing Risk and MNC Subsidiary-level Investment and Expansion. Strategic Management Journal, 38 (3): 714–731.
Park, C., Oh, C. H., & Kasim, A. (2017) Market challenges, learning and customer orientation, and innovativeness in INVs. International Marketing Review, 34 (6): 945–967.
Schmitt, A., Barker, V. L., III, Raisch, S., & Whetten, D. A. (2016). Strategic renewal in times of environmental scarcity. Long Range Planning, 49 (3): 361–376.
Chadwick, C. & Flinchbaugh, C. (2016). The effects of part-time workers on establishment performance. Journal of Management, 42 (6): 1635–1662.
Chadwick, C., Guthrie, J., & Xing, X. (2016). Firm performance and survival: The HR executive effect. Strategic Management Journal, 37 (11): 2346–2361.
Flinchbaugh, C., Li, P. S., Luth, M., & Chadwick, C. (2016). Team-level high involvement work practices: Investigating the role of knowledge sharing and perspective taking. Human Resource Management Journal, 26 (2): 134–150.
Yu, J., Downes, P. E., Carter, K., & O’Boyle, E. H. (2016). The problem of effect size heterogeneity in meta-analytic structural equation modeling. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101 (10): 1457–1473.
Ellingson, J. E., Tews, M. J., & Dachner, A. M. (2016). Constituent attachment and voluntary turnover in low wage/low-skill service work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101 (1): 129–140.
Super, J., Ishqaidef, G., Li, P. & Guthrie, J.P. (2016). Group rewards, group composition and information sharing: A motivated information processing perspective. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 134: 31–44.
Lee, J. K. & Kim, M. (2016).Market-driven technological innovation through acquisitions: The moderating effect of firm size. Journal of Management, 42 (7): 1934–1963.
Kim, M. (2016). Geographic scope, isolating mechanisms, and value appropriation. Strategic Management Journal, 37 (4): 695–713.
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