Typically offered BHP courses
Overview of courses
Frequently offered Business Honors courses are listed below. Many BHP courses are offered in both fall and spring semesters. A few are typically offered only in one semester per year: ACCT 323 (fall only); ACCT 411, BSAN 311 and FIN 411 (fall only). In some semesters (depending on instructor availability), FIN 421 (an honors version of FIN 420) may be offered. Also, note that FIN 450 requires students to apply for admission to the course.
These class sizes are limited (usually around 25 students); therefore some fill relatively quickly. If you find that a course is full and you are concerned that it will not work with your schedule to take it in a different semester, you are welcome to petition to enroll.
BHP enrollment petition process
BHP students can use the process/form that is provided each semester in an email from Lisa Bergeron or Jen Harrison. Questions about the petition process for Business Honors courses can be emailed to Lisa Bergeron.