Ph.D. programs and teaching

A part of our mission is to develop effective teachers. To that end, all doctoral students are required to teach at least two sections as independent instructors. The result of this teaching emphasis is that several of our graduates have had enormous success as decorated teachers. The school and university prepare and reward doctoral students for excellence in teaching through various programs and awards.


Students receive extensive individual mentoring by serving as graduate teaching assistants to professors. They also are coached in BUS 902: Teaching Seminar by a distinguished teacher.

Center for Teaching Excellence

The university has established a Center for Teaching Excellence whose mission is to help achieve excellence in teaching throughout the campus. This center has numerous resources to help students and faculty become effective teachers.

School of Business Teaching Awards

The school has teaching awards reserved for doctoral students which include two John O. Tollefson Teaching Awards and a Constance Ducey Teaching Award.

University Teaching Awards

KU Graduate Studies has several highly coveted and competitive teaching awards. Graduate Studies awards include the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, the Carlin Graduate Teaching Award, and Graduate Teaching Assistantships. Several of KU Business doctoral students have won these awards.