School of Business Academic Misconduct Reporting Process
1. Instructor believes a type of academic misconduct has occurred.
- 1a. Instructor indicates the type of alleged academic misconduct on the reporting form and gathers evidence supporting the claim.
- 1b. Instructor consults with the Area Director to discuss the potential charge and evidence supporting it.
2. The Area Director checks with the appropriate Program Administrator to determine if the student has committed academic misconduct in the past. If so, then the sanction severity reflects this history.
3. Instructor and Area Director meet with the student to discuss the situation. The Program Director may be involved if it is a graduate student. The student is sent a copy of the School of Business Code of Conduct before this meeting.
4. At (or after) the meeting with the student, the Instructor (in consultation with the Area Director) decides whether to charge the student with misconduct and what sanction to recommend.
5. If the student didn’t receive a copy of the reporting form at their meeting, the Area Director sends a copy of the reporting form to the student indicating the charge and sanction. The Area Director uses both KU e-mail and certified letter to the student’s home address.
6a. Student’s Response:
- The student chooses one of the three options available (i. Admits to charge and accepts sanction (process complete); ii. Admits to charge but appeals sanction (appeal heard by Associate Dean); iii. Denies charge and wishes to appeal to honor council). If student doesn’t return form to Area Director within 10 days, then it will be assumed that the student agrees with the charges and sanction applied and waives right to appeal.
6b. Honor Hearing:
- If student denies the charge and appeals to honor council (iii above), an honor hearing is scheduled. Honor hearings are held automatically if recommended sanction is: a transcript citation, suspension from course, suspension from KU, or expulsion from KU.
- The recommendation of the honor council members on the hearing panel is forwarded to the Associate Dean of the School of Business. The Associate Dean makes the final decision regarding the charge and sanction. This decision is sent to both parties involved.
- If academic misconduct is charged and a sanction greater than censure applied, then the appropriate program administrator will receive a copy of the reporting form and the letter from the Associate Dean. At the end of each semester, this information is forwarded to the Provost’s Office.