Mike Wilkins

- Larry D. Horner/KPMG Professor
- Doctoral Coordinator, Accounting
- Accounting academic area
- Doctoral program
Contact Info
Capitol Federal Hall, Room 4185
Personal Links
Biography —
Current activities
- Editorial Board, The Accounting Review
- Editorial Board, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory
- Editorial Board, Accounting Horizons
Education —
Ph.D. in Accounting, University of Arizona
M.S. in Accounting, University of Kentucky
B.B.A. in Finance, University of Kentucky
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Accounting Theory
- PhD Seminar
Selected Publications —
Hansen, J., Lisic, L., Seidel, T., Wilkins, M. (2021). Audit Committee Accounting Expertise and the Mitigation of Strategic Auditor Behavior. The Accounting Review - Issue 4 | Volume 96. https://doi.org/10.2308/TAR-2018-0101.
Christensen, B., Newton, N., Wilkins, M. (2021). Archival Evidence on the Audit Process: Determinants and Consequences of Interim Effort*. Contemporary Accounting Research - Issue 2 | Volume 38. https://doi.org/10.1111/1911-3846.12633.
Guo, F., Lin, C., Masli, A., Wilkins, M. (2021). Auditor Responses to Shareholder Activism. Contemporary Accounting Research - Issue 1 | Volume 38. https://doi.org/10.1111/1911-3846.12630.
Persellin, J., Schmidt, J., Vandervelde, S., Wilkins, M. (2019). Auditor Perceptions of Audit Workloads, Audit Quality, and Job Satisfaction. Accounting Horizons - Issue 4 | Volume 33. https://doi.org/10.2308/ACCH-52488.
Lawson, B., Martin, G., Muriel, L., Wilkins, M. (2019). How Do Auditors Respond to FCPA Risk?. AUDITING A Journal of Practice and Theory - Issue 4 | Volume 38. https://doi.org/10.2308/AJPT-52390.
Newton, N., Persellin, J., Wang, D., Wilkins, M. (2016). Internal Control Opinion Shopping and Audit Market Competition. The Accounting Review - Issue 2 | Volume 91. https://doi.org/10.2308/ACCR-51149.
Wilkins, M., Fields, L. (2006). The Interaction Among Multiple Governance Mechanisms at Young, Newly Public Firms. Journal of Corporate Finance - Volume 12.
Wilkins, M., Christensen, B., Newton, N. How Do Team Workloads and Team Staffing Affect the Audit? Archival Evidence from U.S. Audits. Accounting, Organizations, & Society.
Wilkins, M., Hansen, J., Lisic, L., Seidel, T. Audit Committee Accounting Expertise and the Mitigation of Strategic Auditor Behavior. The Accounting Review.
Wilkins, M., Christensen, B., Newton, N. Archival Evidence on the Audit Process: Determinants and Consequences of Interim Effort. Contemporary Accounting Research.
Wilkins, M., Guo, F., Lin, C., Masli, A. Auditor Responses to Shareholder Activism. Contemporary Accounting Research.