Message: Our commitment to demonstrating diversity, equity, and inclusion

Tue, 06/02/2020


Kelsey Marie Cipolla

The School of Business pledges our commitment to the values and actions outlined in Chancellor Girod’s and Provost Bichelmeyer’s message to the KU community on June 2. We remain dedicated to demonstrating diversity, equity, and inclusion through action, realizing that tangible steps must be taken in order to effectively combat racism and violence against marginalized communities. 
We continue to examine and look for ways to foster an atmosphere of inclusivity, and we welcome thoughts and ideas from Business Jayhawks in our ongoing, collective dialogue. Our school’s core commitments of accountabilityexcellencerespectdiversitycommunity, and communication are relevant now more than ever. As part of the KU community, we reaffirm our responsibility to live up to these values.

Rock Chalk.
Dean L. Paige Fields

Tue, 06/02/2020


Kelsey Marie Cipolla