Andrew N. K. Chen

- Professor
- Analytics, Information, Operations academic area
Contact Info
Capitol Federal Hall, Room 4114
Biography —
Professor Chen’s current teaching and research interests include knowledge management, IT business value, human computer interface design, database management, and business and web programming applications.
His research work appears in Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, Information & Management, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Management Information Systems, MIS Quarterly, and international conferences and workshops such as AMCIS, DSI, ICIS, PACIS, and WITS.
Education —
Ph.D. in Operations and Information Management, University of Connecticut
M.S. in Accountancy, George Washington University
B.B.A. in Accounting, Soochow University, Taiwan
Research —
Research interests:
- knowledge management
- business value of information technology
- human computer interaction
- robust databases
- healthcare information systems
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- strategic information technology planning
- contemporary and emerging information technology
- web technology applications and programming
- computer networking
- database management
- business intelligence
- accounting information systems
Selected Publications —
Lee, Y., Chen, A., Wang, W. (2025). Push it Cross the Finish Line – Designing Online Interfaces to Induce Choice Closure at the Post-Decision Pre-Purchase Stage. Information Systems Research.
Lee, G., Chen, A., Hess, T. (2017). The Online Waiting Experience: Using Temporal Information and Distractors to Make Online Waits Feel Shorter. Journal of the Association for Information Systems - Issue 3 | Volume 18.
Lee, Y., Chen, A., Ilie, V. (2012). Can Online Wait Be Managed? The Effect of Filler Interfaces and Presentation Modes on Perceived Waiting Time Online. MIS Quarterly - Issue 2 | Volume 36.
Lee, G., Chen, A. (2011). Usability Design and Psychological Ownership of a Virtual World. Journal of Management Information Systems - Issue 3 | Volume 28.
Chen, A., Edgington, T. (2005). Assessing Value in Organizational Knowledge Creation: Considerations for Knowledge Workers. MIS Quarterly - Issue 2 | Volume 29.
Chen, A., Goes, P., Marsden, J. (2003). A Query-Driven Approach to the Design and Management of Flexible Database Systems. Journal of Management Information Systems - Issue 3 | Volume 19.