Clint Chadwick

- Howard Fitch/Fred Ball Professor
- Management and Entrepreneurship academic area
Contact Info
Capitol Federal Hall, Room 3183
Personal Links
Education —
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1999
M.A. in Management, University of Pennsylvania, 1996
MBA, Brigham Young University, 1994
B.A. in English, Brigham Young University, 1992
cum laude
cum laude
Research —
The impact of human resource systems and human capital on firm competitiveness; organizational alignment, downsizing and strategic renewal in organizations.
Research interests:
- strategic HRM
- strategic human capital
- human capital
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Human Resource Management
- Strategy
- Strategic Human Resource Management
Selected Publications —
Hill, A., Brymer, R., Chadwick, C., Hill, A., Molloy, J. (2019). PIPELINES AND THEIR PORTFOLIOS: A MORE HOLISTIC VIEW OF HUMAN CAPITAL HETEROGENEITY VIA FIRM-WIDE EMPLOYEE SOURCING. The Academy of Management Perspectives - Issue 2 | Volume 33.
Chadwick, C., Li, P. (2018). HR systems, HR departments, and perceived establishment labor productivity. Human Resource Management - Issue 6 | Volume 57.
Subramony, M., Seegers, J., Chadwick, C., Shyamsunder, A. (2018). Leadership development practices and organizational performance: The mediating role of human capital and social capital. Journal of Business Research - Volume 83.
Chadwick, C. (2017). Toward a More Comprehensive Model of Firms’ Human Capital Rents. The Academy of Management Review - Issue 3 | Volume 42.
Chadwick, C., Guthrie, J., Xing, X. (2016). The hr executive effect on firm performance and survival. Strategic Management Journal - Issue 11 | Volume 37.
Chadwick, C., Flinchbaugh, C. (2016). The Effects of Part-Time Workers on Establishment Performance. Journal of Management - Issue 6 | Volume 42.
Chadwick, C., Super, J., Kwon, K. (2015). Resource Orchestration in Practice: CEO Emphasis on SHRM, Commitment-based HRM, and Firm Performance. Strategic Management Journal - Issue 3 | Volume 36.
Brymer, R., Molloy, J., Chadwick, C. (2015). Strategic Human Capital. Oxford Bibliographies in Management.
Zhao, Z., Chadwick, C., . (2014). What We Will Do vs. What We Can Do: The Relative Effects of Unit-level NPD Motivation and Capability. Strategic Management Journal - Issue 12 | Volume 35.
Chadwick, C., Way, S., Kerr, G., Thacker, J. (2013). Boundary Conditions of the High-Investment Human Resource Systems-Small-Firm Productivity Relationship. Personnel Psychology - Volume 66.
Molloy, J., Chadwick, C., Ployhart, R., Golden, S. (2011). Making Intangibles "Tangible" in Tests of Resource-Based Theory: A Multidisciplinary Construct Validation Process. Journal of Management - Volume 37.
Chadwick, C. (2010). Theoretic Insights on the Nature of Synergies in Human Resource Systems: Toward Greater Precision. Human Resource Management Review - Issue 2 | Volume 20.
Chadwick, C., Dabu, A. (2009). Human Resources, Human Resource Management, and the Competitive Advantage of Firms: Toward a More Comprehensive Model of Causal Linkages. Organization Science - Issue 1 | Volume 20.
Chadwick, C., Hunter, L., Walston, S. (2004). Effects of downsizing practices on the performance of hospitals. Strategic Management Journal - Issue 5 | Volume 25.