Jeremy Lill

Jeremy Lill
  • Associate Professor
  • Jack and Shirley Howard Mid-Career Professor
  • Accounting academic area

Contact Info

Capitol Federal Hall, Room 4175


Ph.D. in Accountancy, University of Illinois, 2015, Urbana-Champaign
MBA, University of Kansas, 2006
B.S. in Business, University of Kansas, 2003


My research focuses primarily on managerial accounting topics, in particular the design of control systems and compensation packages.


A teacher will explain, clarify, and demonstrate concepts in the classroom. A great teacher will also inspire.

Selected Publications

<div class="fp-publications fp-container"><div class="aca-article">Lill, J. (2020). When the Boss is far away and there is shared pay: The effect of monitoring distance and compensation interdependence on performance misreporting. Accounting, Organizations and Society - Volume 86. <a href="">… class="aca-article">Chen, C., Lill, J., Vance, T. (2020). Management Control System Design and Employees' Autonomous Motivation. Journal of Management Accounting Research - Issue 3 | Volume 32. <a href="">… class="aca-article">Bucaro, T., Jackson, K., Lill, J. (2020). The Influence of CSR Measures on Investors’ Judgments when Integrated in a Financial Report versus Presented in a Separate Report. Contemporary Accounting Research - Issue 2 | Volume 37.</div><div class="aca-article">Bol, J., Lill, J. (2015). Performance Target Revisions in Incentive Contracts: Do Information and Trust Reduce Ratcheting and the Ratchet Effect?. The Accounting Review - Issue 5 | Volume 90. <a href=""><…;