Jeremy Lill

- Associate Professor
- Jack and Shirley Howard Mid-Career Professor
- Accounting academic area
Contact Info
Capitol Federal Hall, Room 4175
Education —
Ph.D. in Accountancy, University of Illinois, 2015, Urbana-Champaign
MBA, University of Kansas, 2006
B.S. in Business, University of Kansas, 2003
Research —
My research focuses primarily on managerial accounting topics, in particular the design of control systems and compensation packages.
Teaching —
A teacher will explain, clarify, and demonstrate concepts in the classroom. A great teacher will also inspire.
Selected Publications —
Lill, J. (2020). When the Boss is far away and there is shared pay: The effect of monitoring distance and compensation interdependence on performance misreporting. Accounting, Organizations and Society - Volume 86.
Chen, C., Lill, J., Vance, T. (2020). Management Control System Design and Employees' Autonomous Motivation. Journal of Management Accounting Research - Issue 3 | Volume 32.
Bucaro, T., Jackson, K., Lill, J. (2020). The Influence of CSR Measures on Investors’ Judgments when Integrated in a Financial Report versus Presented in a Separate Report. Contemporary Accounting Research - Issue 2 | Volume 37.
Bol, J., Lill, J. (2015). Performance Target Revisions in Incentive Contracts: Do Information and Trust Reduce Ratcheting and the Ratchet Effect?. The Accounting Review - Issue 5 | Volume 90.