Mazhar Arikan

Mazhar Arikan
  • Associate Professor
  • Anderson Family Fellow
  • Analytics, Information, Operations academic area

Contact Info

Capitol Federal Hall, Room 3134


Ph.D. in Operations Management, Purdue University, 2011
M.S. in Industrial Engineering, University of Miami, 2005
B.S. in Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2002, Ankara, Turkey


Research interests:

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Stochastic Modeling of Service Systems
  • Empirical Research in OperationsManagement
  • Applied Econometrics
  • Airline Operations/Scheduling/Economics
  • Analytical and EmpiricalStudy of Delivery of Healthcare Services


School of Business, University of Kansas Instructor • Introduction to Supply Chain Management (SCM 401), Fall 2011 Undergraduate required course for SCM majors. • Introduction to Supply Chain Management (BBA 405), Spring 2012 Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program elective course. • Introduction to Supply Chain Management (SCM 701), Spring 2012 Part-time MBA program elective course. Krannert School of Management, Purdue University Instructor • Operations Management (MGMT 361), Spring 2010 Undergraduate core course with 48 students. Awarded with Krannert Certificate for Distinguished Teaching for superior performance in the classroom based on student responses (Teaching evaluation: 4.4/5.0). • Operations Management (MGMT 460), Fall 2007 Undergraduate core course with 60 students. Teaching Assistant Fall 2006-Fall 2010 • Operations Management I, II (MGMT 660, MGMT 664)MBA/EMBA/Weekend MBA core courses, Supply Chain Design, Planning and Control (MGMT 462) Undergraduate elective course. Industrial Engineering Department, University of Miami Teaching Assistant Fall 2003-Fall 2005 • Applied Statistical Methods (IEN 312), Engineering Economy (IEN 380), Deterministic Models in Operations Research (IEN 441), Computer Simulation Systems (IEN 547).