Michael Lash

Michael Lash
  • Assistant Professor
  • Analytics, Information, Operations academic area

Contact Info

Capitol Federal Hall, Room 4166


Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Iowa, 2018
M.S. in Computer Science, University of Iowa, 2017
B.A. in Geoinformatics, University of Iowa, 2014


Dr. Michael T. Lash's research focuses broadly on machine learning, data mining, and business analytics.

Research interests:

  • Data Mining
  • Machine Learning
  • Decision Making with Machine Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Recommendation
  • Outcome Optimization
  • Graph Learning
  • Causal Learning
  • Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics


Dr. Michael T. Lash is broadly interested in teaching analytics to students at all levels. Lash is particularly interested teaching machine learning methods that align with the current business landscape, including text and graph learning/mining methodologies, among others.

Teaching interests:

  • Business Analytics
  • Machine Learning
  • Database Management