Sanjay Mishra

- Professor
- Marketing and Business Law academic area
Contact Info
Capitol Federal Hall, Room 2166
Education —
Ph.D., Washington State University
MBA, Washington State University
M.S., Ohio State University
B.S., Indian Institute of Technology
Research —
Research interests:
- consumer preference and choice modeling
- choice inconsistencies
- processing of the ad
- conjoint analysis
- applications of quantitative models in marketing
- survey research and methodology
- new product development processes
- product and innovation management
- entrepreneurship
Teaching —
Business in India, Marketing Management, Marketing Research, New Product Management and Pricing, Categorical Data Analysis, Entrepreneurship, New Venture Creation, Technology Transfer and Commercialization, Personal Entrepreneurship Strategy
Teaching interests:
- marketing research
- marketing models
- product and innovation management
- pricing
- new product development
- new venture creation
- entrepreneurship
- marketing management and strategy
- marketing measurement
Selected Publications —
Wang, Z., Singh, S., Li, J., Mishra, S., Ambrose, M., Biernat, M. (2017). Effects of Employees’ Positive Affective Displays on Customer Loyalty Intentions: An Emotions-as-Social-Information Perspective. The Academy of Management Journal - Issue 1 | Volume 60.
Donavan, D., Patil, V., Singh, S., Mishra, S., Todd Donavan, D. (2008). Efficient theory development and factor retention criteria: Abandon the ‘eigenvalue greater than one’ criterion. Journal of Business Research - Issue 2 | Volume 61.
Singh, S., Donovan, T., Mishra, S., Little, T. (2008). The Latent Structure of Landscape Perception: A Structural Equations Approach. Journal of Environmental Psychology - Volume 28.
Singh, S., Dalal, N., Mishra, S., Patil, V. (2005). Toward Measuring Communications Effectiveness of Commercial Web Home Pages. Journal of Current Research and Issues in Advertising - Issue 1 Spring | Volume 27.
Mishra, S., Umesh, U. (2005). Validation of Conjoint Analysis Results Using A Priori Signs. Journal of Business Research - Volume 58.
Mishra, S., Kim, D., Lee, D. (1996). Factors Affecting New Product Success: Cross Country Comparisons. Journal of Product Innovation and Management - Issue 6 | Volume 13.
Mishra, S., Sukhdial, A., Singh, S. (1995). A Stimulus Sampling Theory Exploration of the Memory Effects of Massed versus Spaced Advertising Schedules. Marketing Letters - Issue 4 | Volume 6.
Mishra, S., Umesh, U., Stem, D. (1993). Antecedents of the Attraction Effect: An Information Processing Perspective. Journal of Marketing Research - Issue August | Volume 30.
Umesh, U., Mishra, S. (1990). A Monte Carlo Investigation of Conjoint Analysis Index-of-fit: Goodness of Fit, Significance and Power. Psychometrika - Issue March | Volume 55.
Muehling, D., Stoltman, J., Mishra, S. (1990). An Examination of Factors Influencing Attitude-Toward-The Ad under High and Low Involvement Conditions. Current Issues and Research in Advertising - Issue 1 | Volume 12.
Shewmon, P., Meyrick, G., Mishra, S., Parthasarathy, T. (1983). Diffusion Induced Dislocation Glide. Scripta Metallurgica - Volume 17.