Corporate sponsorships

There are tremendous opportunities for those corporate members who participate, including:
- Networking with a wide range of students and providing early exposure to your company
- Getting your company's name and logo out in front of students (even those not attending the conference through advertising for the conference)
- Personal development opportunity to enhance your own leadership skills by attending the seminar
- Helping the students that you might potentially hire obtain the skills they need prior to coming to work at your company
Sponsorship levels
Sponsor logo on Summer Venture in Business (SVB) t-shirts
Invitation to send company representatives to closing ceremony
- Blue sponsors will receive an early invitation to attend the program’s closing ceremony, including poster presentations by program participants and the certificate presentation given to participants who have completed the program.
Acknowledgement as program sponsor during the program’s opening and closing ceremonies
Sponsor logo on Summer Venture in Business (SVB) t-shirts
Invitation to send company representatives to closing ceremony
- Crimson sponsors will receive an early invitation to attend the program’s closing ceremony, including poster presentations by program participants and the certificate presentation given to participants who have completed the program.
Invitation to send company representatives to facilitate an interactive workshop/presentation
- Crimson sponsors will have the opportunity to have company representatives present information about their respective company, including information about the company’s services, leadership and work culture while also highlighting how the company supports access among their employees and in the community from a corporate perspective
Acknowledgement as program sponsor during the program’s opening and closing ceremonies
Acknowledgment as premier sponsor in event press releases and publicity
This a substantial and exclusive level of sponsorship. Sponsor benefits would include all items listed under the Crimson level, plus additional exclusive opportunities to be negotiated based on the sponsors interests.
This level of sponsorship involves a three-year commitment.