Advising FAQ and policies
General questions
You may officially change your business major by contacting your academic advisor or by visiting our Student and Academic Services office, 1160 Capitol Federal Hall.
If you wish to change to a major outside the School of Business, please contact the advisor in that department. A good place to start when switching out of the School of Business is the Undergraduate Advising Center.
The EY Business Professional Development Program offers interest assessments specifically for business majors, exploratory events (i.e. supply chain management industry night, panel discussion with accountants), and career counseling for students majoring in business. You may also discuss major options with your academic advisor.
No, you cannot take any business courses (or ECON 142 and ECON 144) for credit/no-credit. You have to take them for a grade. You can take other general education requirements for credit/no-credit. There is a two-week window of opportunity to sign up for the credit/no-credit option during the fall and spring semesters.You should always communicate with your advisor before selecting a class for credit/no credit.
All advising notes are located in Jayhawk GPS. Click on “reports” and expand meeting notes to see the details of your advising meeting.
Please contact a career advisor with the EY Business Professional Development Program for information about resume resources.
Dean's stamps required from the School of Business can be administered by School of Business advisors. If you have a situation where you need a Dean's stamp from the School of Business, you may see an advisor by appointment, or, if it is a current semester issue, you may be eligible to see an advisor on a drop-by basis. It is always good to call ahead at 785-864-7871 to see what is best in your particular situation.
Your admission is conditional upon completion of all of the pre-business courses and meeting the minimum GPA requirement (2.5). If you receive an F on any pre-business courses and/or any of your GPAs fall below 2.5, your admission to the KU School of Business will be revoked and you will be administratively dropped from all restricted business courses.
Enrollment and transfer questions
Please contact your academic advisor.
Courses that transfer to the university, but show up on your DPR checklist as ACCT U, MKTG U, etc., are transferring as elective credit hours. If you believe a transfer course may satisfy a requirement for your major, you can fill out this Request for Re-evaluation of Transfer Credit form.
Please contact your academic advisor.
If you took a course from a different school/college/university and you need to transfer it, you must officially request a transcript to be sent from that school/college/university to the Office of Admissions and Scholarships housed in the KU Visitor's Center. If you can send the official transcript via email, send to
In order to have unapproved courses fulfill required course work, you need to obtain the syllabus for that course and upload it using this Request for Re-evaluation of Transfer Credit form. The syllabus will be reviewed and approved or denied by business faculty. This process can take several weeks. For further questions/clarification on this process please contact Student and Academic Services at 785-864-7871.
No. You cannot co-enroll in a business core 310 classes (FIN 310, MGMT 310, MKTG 310, SCM 310, IST 310, or BSAN 310) and MGMT 498. This is a strict prerequisite. Work closely with your academic advisor to ensure that you plan your schedule accordingly.
Study abroad and graduation questions
Your unique situation will determine when it is best for you to study abroad. If you’re considering studying abroad, meet with an academic advisor as soon as possible. You can begin your own research with the school's Global Business Studies office.
Yes, there is scholarship money available to study abroad, but it is not guaranteed to all students. Contact Global Business Studies for further information.
Yes, and your grades will be figured into your KU overall (and KU professional, if applicable) GPA.
All GPAs (overall, professional, KU overall, KU professional, major, and co-majors) must be a 2.5 or higher to graduate. If you are a business student and have a business minor, your minor GPA must be 2.5 or higher. If you are a non-business student and have the business minor for non-business students, your GPA must be 2.0 or higher. Make an appointment with an academic advisor if you have questions or concerns about your GPA.
Graduation checks should be completed one semester prior to your actual graduation time (e.g. if you are graduating spring 2021, you should come in during fall 2020). Graduation checks typically take 30 minutes to complete, so please set up an appointment with your academic advisor. Graduation checks cannot be completed on a drop-by basis. Make sure to have all non-KU credit transferred into KU prior to the grad check.